Set Your TV on March 31, 2019 For Sunday Morning Weekend Today in Central NY on NBC 3

Cynthia Scott, OMC Financial Services, will be Laura Hand's guest, discussing when to sell stock.

Set Your TV on March 31, 2019 For Sunday Morning Weekend Today in Central NY on NBC 3

when to sell stock header from omc financial services

How do you decide if you should sell a stock you own that is under scrutiny?

  • Have you researched the story behind the headlines? According to news reports, Google is indirectly helping China’s military by working with the Chinese government and is not assisting the U.S. military. Is it factual?

  • Is there a high probability that the company will be sued and, if so, does it have the financial resources to withstand them? Boeing may face legal safety challenges because of both the Ethiopian and Lion airlines crashes involving the Boeing 737 Max. How might they affect future earnings?

  • Is it possible that the company could be subject to new and/or additional Federal regulations? Facebook has appeared before Congress on numerous occasions to defend its privacy policies and how it monitors content. The recent tragedy in New Zealand underscores that better controls need to be in place where a streaming video ran approximately 17 minutes before it was taken down. Would the company remain as profitable under imposed regulations?
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